- Click on the start button.
- Press the Esc key.
- Press the Alt and the -(minus) Key together.
Note:- You have to re-boot to get it back again-
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete
- Highlight Explorer
- Click on the End Task button
- Select No to doing a full shutdown.
- Wait a few seconds and the click on the End Task button.
- Create a file called AUTORUN.INF on the root of your hard drive
- Enter the lines
ICON=Name of the ICON file
For the name of the icon file you can either specify the path and name
a specific icon in a library (e.g. ICON=ICONFILE.DLL,2)
20. How to Add Options to the Right-Click of the Start Menu?
Tips:- To add an option to the right-click of the start button:- # Go to Control Panel, View, Options # Click on the File Types Tab. # Scroll down until you see File Folder. # Click on Edit. # Click on New. # Type in the Name you want to in the Action box. # Type in the Application you want to use.21. How to make the task bar autohide?
# Click the right button on a bank area of the task bar
# Select Properties
# Select Autohide
# Click OK.
This will make the task bar slide off the screen when the cursor moves away from it, and it will slide back on when the cursor is moved near it again.
22. How to Correct Corrupted Fonts?
Tips:- If you have a problem with your-true type fonts, here's what you do:
- Open the Control Panel
- Double Click on Fonts
- Search for the "Monotype Sorts" Font
- Delete this Font.
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